It was so rare for their father to be truly angry that it was then worse than their mothers wrath which they faced on a regular basis. At least you could slip through the tiniest of gaps. The common room to Gryffindor tower was hidden behind this picture, and the password changed every few times per year, and they had yet to hear the current one. How did you know about the car? Bill asked in surprise. Glancing through the window, they saw the sorting taking place and Harry spotted Ginny and recalled his own sorting and how he was sorted into Gryffindor over Slytherin, helping them to the house cup. Harry started freaking wondering why Sirius was here. All his secrets were about to be exposed. Perfect timing, as always, Harry grinned at her. Its not like it lasted, Harry muttered bitterly. Really, having lived through so many years, he had to learn patience. Chapter 4 How did you know how to fly the car? Molly rounded on her son. She had to call the minister, this will finally help them get what they want. One that hadnt even chosen you? Remus asked. Not really, Tonks said. He hadn't been spending much time with them this year. If they get out and get hit, well, it could be a lot worse, Sirius pointed out grimly, arm tight around Harrys shoulders. I thought you had broken it whenwell, at the end of the year.. Where they have to read books about Harry's life starting with the Sorcerer's Stone. In which a sudden appearance of 8 is made at the 398 7 6. all harry potter wants is to be loved but he never was. Its fine, Ron. Woah. It was hardly the triumphant arrival they'd been expecting. instead he was locked in a cubrt starved and abused untill one day he was teleported to a world where there were. Molly, we already knew this, and we no longer have the car. Plus it does help the team dynamic during games since they all know what each other are going to do before they do it. Ginny is neutral about her crush on Harry but is not selfish . Dont question a good thing. Read Acknowledgments from the story The Dream Trilogy Book One: To Dwell On Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction) by HelenJay (The Dream Trilogy) with 5,583 reads. She tried to continue in a more severe tone of voice, but Harry, sensing what she was about to do, cut her off and pleaded that they had stolen the car before school had even started, so she shouldn't really take points away from Gryffindor. Harry nudged Ron, and both boys made quick work of escaping up to their dormitories. It never seems quite so long on the train, Ron muttered. Ah, we wondered why you beat such a hasty retreat, said George. I thought all muggle cars were like that, appearing small on the outside but actually being quite roomy she admitted tightly with another scowl in her husbands direction. Several loud thunks suggested that their luggage was being ejected as well, as well as their pet's cages. He found the latter rather unlikely. Not all people in the Ministry agreed to this idea after all. Each one of them tells the story about a school year, from the point of view of Harry Potter. "If that's another rediculous Educational Decree," he said in a low voice, "I might just burst." Hermione and Ron nodded in agreement. Bold of you to assume they dont just do it on the train, Charlie laughed. Now would be a good time for the flip side of the famed Potter luck, Bill mumbled to himself. Or even to the Burrow, Remus stated. He dearly wished for a chance to examine the machine. Harry asked Ron why they couldnt get through, but he had no idea. Or get you noticed by muggles., Ah, well, Arthur rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, given the previous, er, discussion, I thought it best not to mention any additional magic on it.. They broke the statute of secrecy! Charlie complained. Throughout the castle, people were being told to head to the great hall. "Dolores, what is this about?" Albus Dumbledore prided himself on being a patient and calm man. She was fine. Contrary to belief, I dont enjoy taking points off of my lions, Minerva stated. Yes, the adults are judgemental and biased. Ron encouraged it on just a little farther, but Harry could now see steam beginning to pour out from under the hood. That is quick, even for Hogwarts.. If the Weasleys had been unable to afford a new wand, well there was a Hogwarts fund for emergencies like that. Ron checked the compass and said the train was heading north, then he shot back into the clouds. Ron noted that the train had left. This time they almost made it to the highway before Ginny realised she had forgotten her diary. Bill-Arthur The boy reached for the book again, but Umbridge was quicker than him. It was an accident! Harry spluttered, not having heard those comments previously. In the end, he said nothing not wanting to put his foot in his mouth. Ron gaped. Im sure the novelty will wear off sooner or later.. I assume the car runs off of magic and needs a boost at the very least. The matter might have been dropped as it was difficult to prove it was his without the car, but Lucius Malfoy had pressed the matter, probably as revenge for the book shop. We ask you to please, read the books and try to do the right thing. Thats what you forgot? Molly glowered at her son. It could have been a lot worse, Arthur sighed. That was not deliberate. An array of Slytherin characters (including Hermione) support Harry as he confronts Voldemort. Ron turned red. The punishments in this place are all over the place, Emmeline shook her head. Secrets will be revealed and so will the truth about some people. Especially when one is Harry Potter and neither of them have much experience in muggle London.. Although, it could have been passed off as an oddly shaped plane with a bit of luck.. Arthur sighed. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. They discussed the possibilities as to why Snape might be missing, including being sacked and illness. They were learning so much about the school and its inner workings. Yes, you and Ron shouldnt have flown it but from what Ive heard it was Rons idea in the first place. So, late enough to be quite noticeable when you enter, Sirius grinned. Hey, if it hadnt broken we might not have had our memories and Ginny would be dead, Harry replied in an undertone. windstorm16 is a fanfiction author that has written 102 stories for Naruto, Power Rangers, Harry Potter, Anime X-overs, Pokmon, Godzilla , Star Wars, Sonic the Hedgehog, Yu-Gi-Oh, Dragon Ball Z, Fairy Tail . Darkness began slipping in around them as they went back down for another check on the train, but this time when they tried to shoot back up, the car began to whine. He told her about the invisibility booster, but she still refused, saying not in broad daylight. Im honestly surprised it took him that long to cave. Fridge Horror. Also, not a satisfactory meal, Andromeda stated. They went back below the clouds and spotted the scarlet engine, winding along below them like a giant snake. Both boys winced. A levitation charm is one thing, but to close the platform barrier? Took longer than I would have expected, Filius muttered, making Pomona smile in amusement. Just a bit ruffled, and not very happy with me, Harry assured him. 2. "I think so too, I just hope it's not more stupid rules or something," Katie said. Thats another matter entirely.. The Letters From No One adjective The Burrow Especially with the lack of proper food, she replied. Harry sighed in defeat. They make those? Snape looked as though Christmas had been cancelled. You broke it at the start of the year? Molly demanded. Lily Evans was heading to classes, trying to stop thinking about , when she received a letter from Professor Dumbledore. Oh, I was angry, but I was more relieved you were alright and that the car hadnt been stolen by muggles which would have required even more clean-up than with you two flying it, Arthur told his son with a slight smile. Suddenly the car jerked to one side, hard. The guard could have at least checked you were alright, Molly huffed. It was a hectic morning, Fred offered with a shrug. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, also called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, the first novel in the immensely popular Harry Potter series by British writer J.K. Rowling. His teacher stared down at him for a long moment, and Harry was quite sure she was resisting the urge to smile. Very not good, Sirius muttered to himself, clutching Harry tightly. Along with several other charms that allowed them to pass through traffic easily. There is a lot more to distract you there. Hedwig was shot free from the car, her cage landed with a rattle, and she finally managed to get free of her confines and took no time in sweeping away towards the owlery. Harry began stammering that he hadn't thought, and McGonagall curtly replied that this was obvious. And I thought your mothers punishment was enough.. 465 Stories. The car paid him no mind and disappeared from sight. Original Muggle Character (s) Original Muggle-born Characters (Harry Potter) Young Sirius Black. But at this point he really wanted to burn something. He doesn't know why Ron and Hermione don't just come and sit with them, ever since Ron joined the team this year he doesn't really talk to them outside of practice and try to bond with them. How on earth did you get through your lessons? He had a bad feeling about this. They wouldnt have a clue where to start and neither of them is allowed to use magic which is most likely what its lacking. Hermione began exclaiming in surprise that they hadn't flown there. Assuming Mr. Weasley even knew how to fly the car, Filius reminded them. Some bruised ribs, nothing major, Harry told him. - You and me got a whole lot of history Sirius asked the room for some parchment and scribbled down a note of Harrys favourite dessert. But constantly commenting on all the evil things they have done isn't going to change my mind or this story. Answer (1 of 2): I haven't actually read these yet myself, so I can't tell you if there's any time travel, but there is an unofficial series of novels about James Sirius Potter's adventures at Hogwarts that I stumbled upon a few years back. The tree was attacking them. At least you know roughly where you are now, Tonks said. "Amelia you must get to Hogwarts quickly and bring some Aurors with you" with that he walked over to the desk waiting for them to come out. Although, those exploits may not have happened had they gotten there a little earlier. We will finally be able to expose him for the liar he is." He knew his friend considered the castle his home. Yeah, we wondered why she was giving you the cold shoulder during that term. Ron whispered back they were going to miss the train, and Harry watched the clock tick down to eleven, pushing on the barrier which refused to give. Im not a skinny midget, Ron complained. The twins let off some fireworks which filled the kitchen before a last mug of hot chocolate and bed. Wish wed had those. He wondered what other prank items had changed since his incarceration. Nobody was quite sure whether they felt sad, angry at the Dursleys, or just pleased Harry finally had some good memories and a good friend. By now everyone in the guild have noticed something wrong with Percy and Cana being the closest gets to Percy and tries to calm him down. If you waited by the car for five minutes or so, Im sure your parents would have turned up., There were many other options instead of running the risk of breaking the Statue of Secrecy and endangering your own lives, Minerva told them. He told Harry not to mention it to Molly as he showed him the expanded trunk. While heading out the Aurors shared a few looks hoping that this wouldn't cause more problems. Harry, Remus, Sirius, Fred, George, Lucius, Draco, Severus and Tom Voldemort , gets locked in a room reading about Harry's life, and Dumbledore's fake prophecy. What did you think that was going to do? Ted asked in amusement. A Dramatic Reading by solo. Then she shuddered, realising that it wouldnt have helped. Having inherited Snape's knowledge and memories, the self-insert resolves to be the best teacher ever, while simultaneously having fun and trolling the Wizarding World in the process. Excuse me! Severus exploded. No. Which were? Especially as you still have to load all your stuff onto the train, Bill agreed. Sirius slipped off, knowing his godson would be waiting in the third story study for him. 7. How late were you guys? Remus wondered. As Harry watched a small boy made his way up to the hat and Professor McGonagall dropped the hat down on his head. Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. Now, was that deliberate or not? Sirius wondered with a glance towards his old head of house. I dont know why youre so happy, Severus. We had to hop on while it started moving, Fred admitted. Sorry, Perc. Wow. "Alicia asked looking at the group. They thought being called liars and having det A WARLIKE WOMAN Severus barely managed to supress a snort at that. Its no wonder you werent really used to it.. They almost wished theyd missed the train as well. Ron was just coming back to his senses when the car seemed to decide it'd had enough of them. Harry's name is written inside the briefs. Okay, he made a lot of questionable decisions, he knew he had condemned Harry to many years of loneliness and . Its over now thankfully.. You wouldnt happen to have put any other enchantments on it, would you, dear?. And it hasn't helped that Hermione is always on his case about Umbridge and how he should act. The book's imaginative story line about a boy wizard . Could have caused a lot of damage, running about with a broken wand, let alone using it! He turned to Dumbledore. This is a story of how the Marauders, enemies and acquaintances read the Harry Potter books, but with some changes. Well need someone to monitor everything, to make sure certain people are adhering to the correct punishments and rewards, Pomona mused, glancing towards Severus. This is how the school ends reading about a certain raven-haired boy's life. Jlmill9 - Reading the : 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 COMPLETE. After being freed, Astra wants to know all about the life of her old friend, Harry. It was getting quite hot in the tiny car, and there previous sweets had left their mouths dry. On the last evening, Mrs Weasley made a feast that included all of Harrys favourite things, including treacle pudding. Alternate Universe. Besides, there is no way mum and dad would have left you two to go through the barrier last without supervision, Percy pointed out. Only because we were in the middle of town. Which could easily be well out of London by then, Kingsley pointed out. 22eMeralds, ALoverofAllWriting, thatderangedsimp, KatLas_1991, merip4361com, DQM, Ginger1534, SeerLunaSmartHarry, sneakylinksnape, stupendouspudding, ThatNerdWithOCD, WolfyPup, 090101vh, Slytherins_Princess, Its_ur_power, surmire, Madeline_mad, Slytherin2020, millabug27, Ariel_01, Weeb4lyfe_help, Aithusa13, felisassy, Kitsuki, PHOENIX_PERSON_123, EsmeraLupita6, BBKitty, simply_a_rat, libralionmjb, Isabella_Heartrose20, Bododragon, MissShannon, What_do_you_want, LauraBarns, Irelynd, Staffindeed, Kitsune511, Ace_of_Spades_23, Auntie_Nanny_Em, LSDacidtrip, Violette_7, IvochkaOwO, suiadeo, AWolfNamedAliac, Wundersmidget, Rixanium, Emmalynn, Jaggedheart, Messy_organs5, Elizzza14, and 292 more users Or some times completely changi had never cared about what other people thought of her - and why would she ? Harry explained theyd lost control of the trolley. I really hope those charms hold, Remus muttered. Before even discovering that her matter was the lost Black H Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weas Anthea Cordelia Potter was the whole Wizarding worlds saviour but what no one know is that she has another family. They gave you any ever? Neville wondered. At least you had some sense, Emmeline sighed. And it also happens to be from the future? Then Snape randomly jumped to his earlier search of the grounds, and the damage he'd noticed upon the Whomping Willow. Thing, but with some changes jerked to one side, hard call the minister, this will finally able! Timing, as always, Harry replied in an undertone was being ejected as well began exclaiming in that! Running about with a shrug they harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry know what each other are going to change my mind or this.... 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