In this paper, the images are divided into two categories. Disclaimer. Some studies suggested other possible benefits of massage but because the amount of evidence is small, no conclusions can be reached about effects other than weight gain. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal No.:CD007502., DOI: Disclaimer. In other words, there is a significant difference on the iris between before performing the eye massage therapy and after performing the eye massage therapy. The data showed that the LH-based modified GnRH antagonist protocol was more cost-effective and had similar clinical effectiveness compared to . Also ask about the number of treatments that might be needed, the cost, and insurance coverage. Manipulative therapy (Feldenkrais, massage, chiropractic manipulation) for neck pain. Massage as a Mechanotherapy for Skeletal Muscle. If the AUC is equal to 0.5, then the model likes performing a random guess such as flipping a coin. This vector is employed as the feature vector for performing the classification. Efficacy of massage therapy on pain and dysfunction in patients with neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. The outcome was a recommended research agenda for the massage therapy profession that included building a massage research infrastructure and investigating the safety, efficacy, and mechanisms of massage therapy. No. Let G be the gradient of the object in the image. The parameter pair (a,b,r) in the above should maximize H(a,b,r) and this parameter pair can be used to represent the edge points in the corresponding circle. not be detectable if unique measures are used. : CD004871. Psychological treatment effectiveness is typically measured in three ways: the patient's own impression of wellness, the therapist's impression of wellness, and controlled research studies.. This study evaluated the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a luteinizing hormone (LH)-based modified gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonist protocol in patients with normal ovarian response undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment. It involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body. IEEE 1, pp 450454. IEEE, pp 235238, Gowrisankaran S, Sheedy JE (2015) Computer vision syndrome: a review. Wuhan Univ J Nat Sci 20(3):229234. The overall total numbers of the selected images in the training set and those in the testing set are summarized in Table 2. If the FPR is small, then the classification accuracy will be high. First, the periocular images are taken before performing the eye massage therapy and after performing the eye massage therapy. 2 Most of the 25 studies in this . Finally, various classifiers are used to perform the classification. Home; About Effects of massage on pain, mood status, relaxation, and sleep in Taiwanese patients with metastatic bone pain: A randomized clinical trial.Pain. 2011 Jul 5;155(1):1-9. Second, the interest and expertise in methodological issues within the profession of psychology made it likely that APA could make a useful contribution to the evaluation of treatment guidelines. IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern Part B Cybern 37(5):11671175, Daugman J (2009) How iris recognition works. One example is the study summarized below: Furlan et al. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of massage in the treatment of adult obesity. J Phys: Conf Ser 1913(1):01296 (IOP Publishing), Fahim MM, Haji S, Koonapareddy CV, Fan VC, Asbell PA (2006) Fluorophotometry as a diagnostic tool for the evaluation of dry eye disease. National Library of Medicine and transmitted securely. In 2018 conference on emerging devices and smart systems (ICEDSS). Massage therapy may be helpful for neck or shoulder pain, but the benefits may only last for a short time. BMC Res Notes 9(1):19. Journal of the American Medical Association, 280(18):1569-1575. However, because the quality of the studies was low, the investigators who conducted the review concluded that they had very little confidence that massage is an effective treatment for low-back pain. Many different interventions and techniques are offered, from medications to diets, from vitamins to occupational therapy, from cognitive-behavioral techniques to biofeedback training. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. Moraska AF, Stenerson L, Butryn N, et al. Haraldsson BG, Gross AR, Myers CD, Ezzo JM, Morien A, Goldsmith C, Peloso PM, Bronfort G, Cervical Overview Group. They are the images before and after performing the eye massage therapy. Also, many improvements were achieved based on this approach [23, 24]. Effect of aromatherapy massage with lavender essential oil on pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled clinical trial. 13 and Fig. (2001). 14 that the obtained results are consistent with those shown in Table 3. 2016 Dec 9;9(4):22-29. doi: 10.3822/ijtmb.v9i4.330., Ranasinghe P, Wathurapatha WS, Perera YS, Lamabadusuriya DA, Kulatunga S, Jayawardana N, Katulanda P (2016) Computer vision syndrome among computer office workers in a developing country: an evaluation of prevalence and risk factors. The existing methods are via the diagnoses conducted by the medical professions based on the measurements acquired by the optical instruments. The main outcomes extracted were type and timing of massage and outcome measures studied. Objective: The use of such multiple common out-comes also makes monitoring potential detri-mental effects more possible. Van Pelt DW, Lawrence MM, Miller BF, Butterfield TA, Dupont-Versteegden EE. The Clearinghouse does not provide medical advice, treatment recommendations, or referrals to practitioners. Section3 presents the method for performing the evaluation of the effectiveness of the eye massage therapy. Maste P, Paik SH, Oh JK, et al. By mapping the feature matrix to a feature vector, various classifiers including the random forest based classifier, the k nearest neighbors based classifier, the support vector machine based classifier and the artificial neural network based classifier are employed for performing the classification. The ROC can be divided into two parts. A review of the evidence for the effectiveness, safety, and cost of acupuncture, massage therapy, and spinal manipulation for back pain. People who received either massage or the inactive treatment had a decrease in the frequency of headaches, but there was no difference between the two groups. HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Since doing the eye exercises to protect the eyes [17, 20] was promoted in the past few decades, many people take the eye massage therapy to soothe the eyes to relieve the eye strain and to protect the eyes. (2008) conducted a systematic review of thirteen existing randomized controlled trials evaluating massage therapy's effectiveness in the treatment of non-specific low-back pain. Since the classification accuracy is the most common criterion employed for evaluating the pattern recognition performance, this paper employs the classification accuracy as the metric. 1, pp V1172, Chen D, Bai J, Qu Z (2012) Research on pupil center location based on improved Hough transform and edge gradient algorithm. Complementary and alternative medicine for cancer pain: an overview of systematic reviews. To do this, they must meet specific educational requirements, undergo a background check, and pass an examination. Isolated unilateral vertebral pedicle fracture caused by a back massage in an elderly patient: a case report and literature review. It performs the following steps [21]. Let (xp0,yp0) and (xi0,yi0) be the coordinates of the centers of the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris represented in the Cartesian coordinate system, respectively. Barnes P, Powell-Griner E, McFann K, Nahin R. (2002). For guidance from NCCIH on using PubMed, see How To Find Information About Complementary Health Approaches on PubMed. Patients who had received massage demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in the range of flexion (p = 0.022), lateral bend to the right (p = 0.018), and lateral bend to the left (p = 0.003). The Daugman method is employed as the benchmark method for evaluating the performance of the iris segmentation. These factors include the aging, the genetic factors, the viral or the bacterial infections as well as the excessive and the incorrect use of the eyes. Schwartz J, Dawson, S, Whitridge P, eds. Table 3 shows the classification accuracies based on both the CHT based method and the Daugman method via these four classifiers. Kang L, Liu P, Peng A, Sun B, He Y, Huang Z, Wang M, Hu Y, He B. However, the works in this area are very limited. Computing the gradients: Let Gx and Gy be the horizontal gradient and the vertical gradient of an object in the image, respectively. This implies that there is a significant difference on the iris before performing the eye massage therapy and after performing the eye massage therapy. Design and method: A literature review of nine databases were searched and 13 papers found. It can be difficult to decide what to try, and even harder to tell what is effective. The original image and the denoised image. Good examples of high quality clinical trials are the ones reported by Cherkin et al. 2010 Mar-Apr;33(3):168-77. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2010.01.014. Let x(r,) and y(r,) be the x co-ordinates and the y co-ordinates of the points between the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris represented in the Cartesian coordinate system, respectively. Nasiri A, Mahmodi MA, Nobakht Z. Also, the distances between the camera and the subjects are kept similar for the image acquisitions at different times. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD001929.pub2. 9aand Fig. They found evidence that massage may be beneficial for patients with subacute and chronic non-specific low-back pain, especially when combined with exercises and education. For performing the Canny edge detection, the block diagram is shown in Fig. Angelopoulos P, Diakoronas A, Panagiotopoulos D, Tsekoura M, Xaplanteri P, Koumoundourou D, Saki F, Billis E, Tsepis E, Fousekis K. Healthcare (Basel). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 4. Case series provide little support for the use of massage to aid muscle recovery or performance after intense exercise. tigress. This implies that all the classifiers are robust for performing the classification., Singh S, Datar A (2013) EDGE detection techniques using Hough transform. In a 2015 study, 56 people with tension headaches were assigned to receive massage at myofascial trigger points or an inactive treatment (detuned ultrasound) twice a week for 6 weeks or to be on a waiting list. For more tips on finding a massage therapist or other complementary health practitioner, see NCCIHs webpage. The Canny edge detection is the most common edge detection algorithm. Art. In order to demonstrate the effectiveness of performing the eye massage therapy, several classifiers are employed. A 2016 review of 4 studies conducted in the United States (519 participants) found that massage could provide short-term relief of neck pain if massage sessions were long enough and frequent enough. Let (i,j) be the starting index of a block of an image. The effect of spinal manipulation on the efficacy of a rehabilitation protocol for patients with chronic neck pain: a pilot study. This implies that the eye message therapy can be performed in a quicker and a cheaper manner., Huang Y P, Luo SW, Chen, E Y (2002) An efficient iris recognition system. Then, we have. Evaluation is important for assessing message effectiveness, identifying program strengths and weaknesses, and determining if different FCA communications are needed to make the FCA more effective and better achieve its goal (s). First, the median filtering is performed on each color plane of the image as discussed in Sect. Our objective is to determine the effectiveness of sport massage for improving recovery after strenuous exercise. A 2016 evaluation of 19 studies (more than 1,200 participants) of massage for cancer patients found some evidence that massage might help with pain and anxiety, but the quality of the evidence was very low (because most studies were small and some may have been biased), and findings were not consistent. Ask about the training, experience, and credentials of the massage therapist you are considering. Google Scholar, Bhatia N, Chhabra M (2010) Improved hough transform for fast iris detection. The procedures for performing the iris classification. The term massage therapy includes many techniques. Slider with three articles shown per slide. Various components of the eye are shown in Fig. In Proceedings. Evaluation of the effectiveness of therapeutic massage in patients with neck pain 1. Moreover, as the edge points preserve the fundamental structures of the object, some important features such as the locations of the lines or the curves in the image can be extracted via performing the edge detection. : CD002287. It is worth noting that the median filtering is a typical nonlinear operator used to suppress the impulsive noise. Hence, the CHT based median filtering with the Canny operator is employed in this paper to achieve the high accuracy of the iris segmentation. Phys Ther. A 2017 research review analyzed the results of 34 studies of massage therapy for premature infants. Eisenberg DM, Kessler RC, Foster C, Norlock FE, Calkins DR, Delbanco TL. Objective: Sport massage, a manual therapy for muscle and soft tissue pain and weakness, is a popular and widely used modality for recovery after intense exercise. Dissertation, University of Western Australia. Accessibility In a 36-year-old woman with neck pain, will manipulation and mobilization be beneficial for reducing her reports of neck pain? Massage for mechanical neck disorders. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has created a website, NIH Clinical Research Trials and You, to help people learn about clinical trials, why they matter, and how to participate. For updated information regarding ongoing randomized clinical trials on massage therapy, search, a service of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, and search "massage". Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Besides, since the classification accuracies based on the CHT based method are slightly higher than those based on the Daugman method for all these four classifiers, this phenomenon can be highlighted if the CHT based method is employed. Then. 2004 Sep;32(6):1499-503. doi: 10.1177/0363546503262196. Cherkin et al. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the In particular, the white outer area represents the sclera. International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics. Stem cells, angiogenesis and muscle healing: a potential role in massage therapies? Abstract. However, there have been rare reports of serious side effects, such as a blood clot, nerve injury, or bone fracture. Website: This implies that the CHT based method can highlight the above phenomenon. That is, the classification performances achieved by both the CHT based method and the Daugman method are good. a The inner circle and b the outer circle of the iris found using the CHT. Standardize, testing that is used to determine where a patient may stand when completing a different test. Eye 28(2):142146. Therapeutic massage increases ranges of motion. Nevertheless, this image based evaluation method is still expensive because it requires the expensive instruments for performing the image acquisition. Then, the Canny operator is employed to accurately locate the edges. Evaluation of effectiveness of eye massage therapy via classification of periocular images. Some useful methods of evaluating training effectiveness are as follows: Observation Method. Performing the edge detection is to identify the pixels at the border. Hedborg K, Muhr C. Multimodal behavioral treatment of migraine: an Internet-administered, randomized, controlled trial. The computer numerical simulation results show that our proposed method can achieve the high classification accuracies. Int J Ther Massage Bodywork. arXiv preprint arXiv:1502.02160, Holden B, Sankaridurg P, Smith E, Aller T, Jong M, He M (2014) Myopia, an underrated global challenge to vision: where the current data takes us on myopia control. [Assessment of rehabilitation progress in patients with cervical radicular pain syndrome after application of high intensity laser therapy - HILT and Saunders traction device]. Unauthorized use of these marks is strictly prohibited. The block diagram for performing the Canny edge detection. Methods: Relevant randomized controlled trials (RCTs) will be searched from the databases of PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Embase, the China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang Database, Chinese Science and Technology Periodical Database, and Chinese . Finally, it is impossible to blind the therapist, who must know which treatment he or she is supposed to deliver. Arch Intern Med, 161(8):1081-8. On the other hand, if the AUC is equal to 1, then the model predicts correctly and the classification is perfect. This also demonstrates that there is a significant difference on the iris before performing the eye massage therapy and after performing the eye massage therapy. In order to perform the iris segmentation, the CHT based median filtering with the Canny operator is proposed. The computer numerical simulation results scientifically validate the effectiveness of the eye massage therapy. Besides, the fluorophotometer measures the penetration of the corneal fluorescein. 501130144), the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission, Enterprise Support Scheme (no. The computer numerical simulation results are shown in Section4. Likewise, if the TPR is large, then the classification accuracy will be high too. Epub 2013 Sep 5. V. Rajinikanth, R. Sivakumar, Nguyen Gia Nhu, Noratikah Mazlan, Haniza Yazid, Hazlita Mohd Isa, Farmanullah Jan, Nasro Min-Allah, Irfanullah Khan, Multimedia Tools and Applications After mapping the points between the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris to the two dimensional rectangular box, the sizes of the rectangular boxes are different for different images. Epub 2014 Feb 20. Small Business Research Grant Program (SBIR), About Research Training and Career Development, Training Grant Application, Review, and Award Process, Integrative Medicine Research Lecture Series, Division of Extramural Research Sponsored by NCCIH, Division of Intramural Research Conducted at NCCIH, How To Find a Complementary Health Practitioner, How To Find Information About Complementary Health Approaches on PubMed,, Massage for promoting mental and physical health in typically developing infants under the age of six months, Effectiveness of massage therapy as co-adjuvant treatment to exercise in osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized controlled trial, The efficacy of lymphatic drainage and traditional massage in the prophylaxis of migraine: a randomized, controlled parallel group study, Review of randomized controlled trials of massage in preterm infants, Noninvasive treatments for acute, subacute, and chronic low back pain: a clinical practice guideline from the American College of Physicians, Massage with or without aromatherapy for symptom relief in people with cancer, Adverse events of massage therapy in pain-related conditions: a systematic review, As the camera introduces the impulsive noise to the periocular images and the noise degrades the quality of the periocular images, this paper employs the median filtering for suppressing the noises. 2021 Nov 7;18(21):11698. doi: 10.3390/ijerph182111698. Ann Intern Med. Cherkin DC, Sherman KJ, Deyo RA, Shekelle PG. . Chang CY, Wu YT, Chen LC, et al. To address this issue, this paper performs the classification between the periocular images taken before performing the eye massage therapy and those after performing the eye massage therapy to address the above difficulty., Hassanein AS, Mohammad S, Sameer M, Ragab ME (2015) A survey on Hough transform, theory, techniques and applications. They are the average thickness of the lipid layer and the partial blink rate. The patients were divided into two groups: one (30 persons) received kinesiotherapy and physiotherapy, and the other group (30 persons) additionally received therapeutic massage. They are the sclera, the iris and the pupil which located from the outer part of the eye to the inner part of the eye, respectively. of National Conf. On the other hand, an image based evaluation method was proposed [25]. Careers. That is, if the original size of the rectangular box is smaller than 3264, then the zeros are padded to the rectangular box in the DCT domain. First, each frame is extracted from each video. Let xp,q be the grayscale pixel value at the index (p,q). FOIA [Effectiveness of an individualised physiotherapy program versus group therapy on neck pain and disability in patients with acute and subacute mechanical neck pain]. The received operating characteristic curve (ROC) is employed as the performance metric to evaluate the robust performance achieved by various classifiers. Google Scholar, Qazi Y, Aggarwal S, Hamrah P (2014) Image-guided evaluation and monitoring of treatment response in patients with dry eye disease. The original image and the image denoised by performing the median filtering are shown in in Fig. Application of traditional Chinese therapy in sports medicine. This implies that the CHT based method can highlight the above phenomenon. Viggo Hansen N, Jorgensen T, Ortenblad L. (2006). The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Ocul Surf 17(3):440446. In states that regulate massage therapy (45 states and the District of Columbia), therapists must get a license or certification before practicing massage. A state of art method called the Daugman method is used as a benchmark model. However, meta-analysis data on the efficacy of massage for the treatment of constipation experienced after stroke are almost nonexistent. NO: CD001929. It is worth noting that the lower part and the upper part of the iris region are sometimes occluded by the eyelids and eyelashes, respectively. Corts Godoy V, Gallego Izquierdo T, Lzaro Navas I, et al. 10bshow the inner edge points and the outer edge points of the iris in the image after performing by the Canny edge detection algorithm, respectively. Background: Bronfort et al. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD005038.pub2. The diagnoses of the dry eye diseases were performed using the images acquired from the vivo confocal microscopic and the optical coherence tomographic instruments. Reychler G, Caty G, Arcq A, et al. Aromatherapy and massage for symptom relief in patients with cancer. Evidence-based evaluation of complementary health approaches for pain management in the United States. Clinical practice guidelines (guidance for health care providers) for the care of breast cancer patients include massage as one of several approaches that may be helpful for stress reduction, anxiety, depression, fatigue, and quality of life. After that, the region between the inner circle and the outer circle of the iris is mapped to a rectangular box. To try, and insurance coverage the computer numerical simulation results show that our proposed method can achieve the classification... Be beneficial for reducing her reports of neck pain achieve the high accuracies! 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