I would never ask him to let go of his family for me, but im always a no show at his family gatherings ever since that day his sister humiliated me. ENA posted a blog entry in Articles, Tuesday at 12:58 PM, ENA posted a blog entry in Articles, Tuesday at 01:01 PM, ENA posted a blog entry in Articles, Tuesday at 01:04 PM, ENA posted a blog entry in Articles, Monday at 07:16 PM, ENA posted a blog entry in Articles, Monday at 07:24 PM, ENA posted a blog entry in Articles, Monday at 07:29 PM, By When people behave shitty it is the responsibility of everyone involved to say What you are doing is shitty. In fact, if he was tired of having girlfriends and being single all the time, theres a chance his family might have influenced him. Those smaller incidents we might hear about and promptly forget. The brother was wrong, without a doubt, but if this has been going on for almost 3 years I can see why he went bat shit crazy on her. She talks about them behind their backs and acts so nice when they're in front of her. This can also be the reason why he's not introducing you to his friends. Hes probably hoping it just blows over. Will this be a Red Flag for her? He wasnt just her long-term boyfriends brother, he was a close personal friend of hers too. After I came back, I texted my boyfriend and said it hurt to not be respected by them and I wish he had said something in my defense. Right now, it sounds like everyone embraces your role and continued participation in her life. That comment of his really hurt me the most. Did you call the police? My boyfriend silently ignores him, but never defends me and doesn't try to prove his dad wrong. Is he honestly telling me to disregard my feelings and adjust to his sister? I wouldnt say that i wouldnt want to be around the parents specifically. November 30, 2017, 3:46 pm. In a way that warrants a restraining order and possibly criminal charges. And the SO not even acknowledging these feelings doesnt help at all. I dont think Ross uses rage as a weapon of control. If this is the case, he may not have time but only if they are important enough to be in high demand of his time. December 1, 2017, 6:27 am. Second, she poisoned the well with her parents in regard to this relationship, by venting to them. Need Advice! He might be dating a series of different women and have no intention of making you a priority or committing to you in any way. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If the cousins are there they'd completely ignore me because of what i supposedly did to the sister and who knows what other rumors she's been telling them. (And for the record: reprimanding someones work ethic probably is NOT your business to address unless youre his or her boss). Fortnite While this can be a helpful resource for some, others are using these platforms to self-diagnose and potentially harm their mental health. I promise, after the sting of this hurt heals a bit, you will find love again. And then after a few hours he started singing a different tune: that he was on nobody's side. Hes been trained by years of experience to be passive. His friend then said, yeah, because you have the internet for that.. Are you sure you are not just waiting for any moment to pounce at the sister?? LW made to big errors here. But his reaction is an assault, why dont you report him to the police? Ross was wrong in his reaction but Im not sure that LWs alcohol intervention was done with good intentions. We all have our own lives and its perfectly normal that we choose to live separately from family if we dont have time to visit them every once while or they are too far away. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Let him decide what he is comfortable sharing with you. The fact is that hes not emotionally ready to bring you into his life completely. He feels like he owes it to her not to trash talk her to you; after all, she was part of his life at some point. That seems pretty aggressive then shes surprised that he was aggressive back. Im sorry and best wishes to you. He is not her partner; he is her bf. It keeps your relationship light and fun for both of you. Could be he is more in the right than you, don't know enough to judge if I would respond the same as him. +91 95198 60509. I begged him to be on my side and he just tells me "I am on your side. He feels free to hang out with his family and friends without any pressure. His reaction is so out of proportion to her comments. But yes, i agree with everything else you said. Not so much the damage to your truck, thats out of line, but probably everything he said to you. You can refer to the answers, The following summaries about ugg mini goat color will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. Unfortunately it seems that he doesnt so i may be fighting a losing battle on my own here. Both your son and the girls mother are ok with you continuing a relationship with her. Started Saturday at 12:43 AM, By But Ross showing up at her home and making a scene the way he did makes him sound like an absolute NUTCASE. My boyfriend didn't say a word to the man while he was shouting at me. That said LW, dont attack someone personally in public. Now, most relationships don't form over the course of a murder trial, sure, but the premise holds: In order for a relationship to be. Talk to your boyfriend. No indication whatsoever that her bf was bent out of shape that his brother didnt work harder (and even if he was, that is his issue and he is the one who should deal with it). If your bf won't support you it isn't anyone's fault but your bf's. His dad dislikes almost everyone in his life, including me. How petty. I dont expect to be liked by his family. Ive met people like this and they are annoying and self righteous AF. ), basically how they live their life, on the fourth of fucking July. Its not easy for all of us to perfectly handle our pressures and duty. It's on the SO to find a way to get along as far as I'm concerned. Im sorry youre hurting, and that you will likely hurt for a little while. Go do it! The following summaries about boyfriend doesnt defend me to his family will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. And while Ross is out of control so was the LW. Privacy Policy. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver I care deeply for him and want him to succeed for his future and the potential of ours. One of the reasons why a lot of guys dont seem to introduce their girlfriends to their parents is because they are not yet sure if they want to marry them. I dont just mean mass shootings. I would love nothing more to pack my bags and leave him but 6 years is a long time But yeah i really get you that family is forever and its bad enough that im having a hard time as it is now, how much more when we're married and more problems arise? I honestly think you deserved what you got, provoking someone known to have anger issues like that. I also think, what kind of life partner would that make me if his family didnt like me, and if i didnt care about what they think? November 30, 2017, 11:11 pm. Im sorry that youre dealing with this. Things got worse when her bf broke up with her for cheating on him and she put the blame on me as the boyfriend was a friend of mine and she thought i ratted her out. Maybe shes just super uninformed and naive, but confronting an alcoholic at a restaurant with family is not likely to convince them to get help. The sister should not carry so much import in your life or relationship with your boyfriend. Dear Annie: I appreciate your advice to "Torn Son," whose father is abusing alcohol, and the son suspects he is also using drugs. I dont even remember much about said post, just that i shared a quote or something. He might find it hard to talk and see them himself. November 30, 2017, 9:30 am. Theyve been together for three years. We also agreed that the boyfriend not intervening is just as wrong. Hes not doing that at all from the sound of it. But we're not exactly the same person and i cant help it if i feel this way, especially after years of being treated this way. This can also be the reason why hes not introducing you to his friends. Your hatred for his sister and your resentment for him have gotten to the point that you've come here for help. LW #1: Your boyfriend has decided his sister's reactions have no bearing on his relationship with you. If everyone understands their respectful place, then everyone can come out of this well. You can not like someone, but civility is key. At the very least managing civility no matter what. You can refer to the answers. You dont know their personalities or the pressures that they place on him. I feel like i want to work this out with him but i feel like nothing will change even if i talk to him. In every scenario my boyfriend has either said nothing and ignored them, or just tried to laugh it off. Good luck, 9+ boyfriend doesnt defend me to his family most standard, 1.Domestic Violence Support | The National Domestic Violence Hotline, 2.If your boyfriend cant stand up to his family for you, does it mean he , 3.3 Ways to Cope when Your Partner Does Not Defend You to Family, 4.What to Do When Your Boyfriend Doesnt Stand Up for You, 5.When Your Partner Doesnt Defend You, It Can Harm Your Bustle, 6.When Your Partner Doesnt Defend You Around Others YouTube, 7.Boyfriend needs to stand up for girlfriend to his parents, 8.When it comes to his family/friends, Should your husband defend , 9.When Your Husband Doesnt Protect You from Your Mother-in-Law , boyfriend doesnt defend me to his family, 10+ darkmans punishing makeup process meant little sleep for liam most standard, 9+ 635 s clinton ave trenton nj 08611 most standard, 9+ sword art online fatal bullet overclock chips most standard, 10+ 14 inch high lamp shade most standard. That would really piss me off. I dont see any way you can continue your relationship with James when his brother is a raving lunatic and you have a a big bulls eye on your back as long as youre with James (who is doing nothing to distance himself from his brother and to protect you). Ruby Thursday Ruby Thursday prettybarbie But at the very least spoken with your boyfriend in private about what he thinks about his brothers drinking Instead you caused a public scene and later got one in return. Just because he doesnt introduce you to his family doesnt mean that there is something wrong with you, especially if you are in a casual relationship and not looking for a serious commitment. . My boyfriend doesn't defend me when people talk badly about me or towards me. While ***holes certainly exist, from my experience, the folks who truly are caricatures of d-bags are few and far between, and thus I tend to instinctively scrutinize folks who come in here with subjective terms and no concrete examples before I grab the pitchfork. No one wants to be judged. He even kicked, punched, and jumped on my truck while I was . But there are lots of reasons two people who are otherwise really well-matched and in love cant and dont work out, and this reason your boyfriend not defending you against his stark-raving mad brother with whom he is so deeply entwined is a pretty solid reason to break up. Especially when that person has anger issues and you insult them. Spare me Why did you sabotage their relationship? He might be struggling and you have no idea how. Yes, she should break up with James, and Ross was a dick but her behavior wasnt so great either. In fact, he probably wouldnt want to even consider it if youre not making enough money or if your family background isnt worth bragging about. At SDI International School, we want every single one of our student not only to survive but also to flourish in meeting such challenges. If this is the case, he might be afraid of how they will treat you and he doesnt want to hurt you. Started Monday at 06:41 PM, By Privacy Policy. I've been with my husband for 3 years (married for 1), and if someone was rude to me, he wouldn't hesitate to put them in their place (after I let them have it, of course). I can appreciate hoping that a partner would stand up for me in the presence of someone being openly hostile or belligerent toward me, but I've been around the block enough to handle myself with difficult people--and I wouldn't deliberately position a loved one to fight my battles for me. It is NOT her business!! Just ignore if the sister gets on your nerves. Answer (1 of 19): Yes, it is a big red flag. Your question is one about appropriateness, and while the situation is certainly more complicated than it was before you son and his girlfriend broke up, its not really as complicated as you might think. Don't give her so much power. It really upset me. My family is extremely welcoming, even if it comes at the price of being at the receiving end of a playful jab or two. She thinks he after the fact has to have her back. So my question is: What do I do? November 30, 2017, 2:20 pm, Well, this escalated fairly quickly to be sure. :strawberry: chi. But, for me, it's all a bit contingent on what exactly the sister is throwing her way. Silence speaks volumes. I'm much more inclined towards this. You call them out when they say racist, bigoted, hurtful things. Although all of this happened to me because of his brother, my boyfriend James did nothing about any of it. James has no easy way to distance himself because of the house and the business. Kitnkabutle We both have our issues that we are dealing with and we are dealing with them together and leaning on each other. He agrees with them. But with his family, its an exception. I also agree its not her place to comment on their work ethics. Two days later, Ross showed up at my house (I was actually driving out of my driveway) and he was in a serious rage. Garland said that's why a man who apparently intended to harm Justice Brett Kavanaugh did not carry through with his plan, but walked away from the Kavanaugh home when he saw the guard detail outside. Not to try to save your relationship but to save James from Ross. My boyfriend doesn't defend me when people talk badly about me or towards me. While medication and therapy can be effective treatments, there are also several lifestyle habits that can help boost your mood and improve your overall well-being. It might be deeper than him "not bothering" to do so; maybe he doesn't get along with his family, maybe he's ashamed to introduce them to you, and maybe a host of 100 different reasons. Thats doesnt even approach normal. Also im still in med school. It sounds like before the fourth of July, they were very close. It makes me hate myself because i feel like he's missing out, that he could have a girlfriend that gets along with his family, but i hate him for not doing anything because deep down i think he's partly to blame. He only recently got a stable job so a proposal on his part any time before that would have been unlikely. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. When my BIL was being a total tool during his separation I definitely had thoughts but its a delicate situation and me barging in throwing opinions around wouldnt have been warranted or welcome. I mean I do think she shouldve addressed it with James first and come up with a strategic plan for an intervention instead of making what Im sure was an unplanned, off the cuff remark (maybe when she was intoxicated herself). evenworse How immature. Just be responsive to the parents. Some of us have very difficult and complex relationships with our families and we keep them separate from the rest of our life. Like ? But that is jumping the gun and presuming a lot. You may feel as though you are and you love this child in all but you are not. At a restaurant in public he pushed the table at me, and he called me EVERY single name in the book. If i end things with him because of this im scared that i'll be making a big mistake. In a recent study, researchers have made significant progress in this area. Your boyfriend could keep his family at a distance from you because he doesn't want his parents to judge him for dating you. You could encourage James to go to Al-anon, but uh, not sure if thats really going to get through seeing as his brother threatening his girlfriend doesnt get a fire light under his ass to do something. And shes not married to James so his success has absolutely no impact on her either. My feelings are hurt that he wouldn't instinctively . I just find it unfair because in my family, no would even dream of doing that to him. But things started to get worse for me when her ex boyfriend broke up with her for cheating on multiple men, and she blamed me for ratting out because the ex was a friend of mine. We both have our issues that we are dealing with and we are dealing with them together and leaning on each other. By correcting you." If he doesn't, he might be meeting them simply because you've made him do it. Manage Settings I do hang out with his parents but during family gatherings when the sister is there the environment definitely changes. The majority of wives feel that when an in-law (or anyone else) is critical of their husband, they must defend him against subtle slights and reproaches. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. What on earth were you thinking? Skyblossom Give him a chance to explain. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. And as long as all the adults in the picture are ok with the relationship continuing, then it should. Also, if his parents are nice to you, why are they being lumped in with feeling uncomfortable/not wanting to be around them? No, but nor am I KNOWN TO HAVE ANGER ISSUES!!! Knowing that he has anger issues, why would she think it was OK to do that? Anonymous His parents might be perfectionists and have high expectations of him. Unfortunately, I agree with DW You must break up with James. Bittergaymark It might be for your own good. For weeks I felt betrayed; I felt like James didnt have my back, and I felt like he was okay with this insane treatment. I never treated her differently even when i knew what she was doing and neither did i bring it up to her. It sounds like he may have some mental health issues in addition to the alcoholism and that is one reason LWs bf is protective of his brother. This made me feel worse, and more alone. James is trapped and he will end up carrying Ross, maybe for life, because one of them will have to work to keep everything successful. How do I know, bad breakup. jwrunner81 Hindsight is 20/20 though and you are young and probably acted without thinking. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. I think the brother controls everyone, including his family, with his rage. I do think that in the future, you need to look at your judgment though. You should have spoken to your bf about it privately and let him handle it. Granted, my fam is pretty darn nice so anyone who can't manage to get along with them would be a huge red flag and a deal breaker. It sounds like she chose a restaurant so that Ross couldnt react, but he did anyway. Now I also have no idea what the issues you are having with his family. December 1, 2017, 3:56 pm. Id bring it up with my partner in private and let them deal with it. Your boyfriend is probably defending his ex because he doesn't want you to think she's a bad personeven if she was. So again, not her place to chastise Ross for how hard he is/is not working at a company in which she does NOT have a stake. So whe the ex (and some of the side guys who didnt know they were side guys) found out, she blamed me. 2. Sorry, but if James actually had your back, hed be railing against his brothers behavior toward you and doing everything he could to protect you from him. I see it all the time; fiancees jealous of their partners parents, family, or friends so they create a situation where it becomes, You have to choose either me or them. Tragic And, she admits she knew he had anger issues: Ross has a serious drinking problem. By keeping you out of this circle it could be a way to keep you out of the drama and pain that he has to endure. No he has the choice of siding with his family or You he chose his family, it means he always will, this doesn't mean he doesn't love you Only that he loves himself and family more and always will; Well can you improve by getting a better boyfriend? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. When people, even people you love, behave shitty you call them out. This doesn't necessarily mean he's ashamed of you for being you. Shes his girlfriend, they could break up tomorrow and she would no longer be a part of his success. Am I being gas lighted? I told the SO about this and he thinks im overreacting and he thinks its wrong for me to get mad, he doesnt acknowledge the fact that this is hurting me and ultimately, he does nothing to remedy the situation. As she visualizes herself married to bf, she has decided she cant tolerate his closeness to Ross. I think you're misunderstanding the last paragraph. You will eventually become resentful and he will break your heart. First, it was not at all her place to decide to correct Rosss behavior. Also, shes not a partner in their business. I am really perplexed by the number of comments that focus on the LWs comments while minimizing the brother showing up 48 hours later, threatening and physically pushing the LW and jumping on her vehicle as she tried to drive away, all well her boyfriend stood there and watch. If you've been using dating apps, you've probably encountered the frustrating phenomenon of potential matches saying "I'll get back to you" and then never following through. Thats not going to change overnight, and not if hes not willing. Place to articulate your future. Yeah i can get that. Clearly, he does not. You may meet his family in time, but maybe now all you have to do is be patient. LisforLeslie Yes, this would be a deal breaker for me. . I dont know how to handle a situation that hasnt happened yet. Opioids are a class of drugs that are commonly prescribed for the management of pain. vortex tube for sale near wiesbaden; famous real madrid fans; You need to start accepting that she isnt your grandchild and putting those boundaries in place. Have any question? For more information, please see our Marshals on the ground have "full authority" to arrest people under any federal statute, including 1507, "but they have to . That being the case, it is between the two of them how they run it, including division of work load. You have done all you can, he's the one that needs to do things. His dad dislikes almost everyone in his life, including me. I wouldn't want to waste more time with someone who doesn't have my back. He's nice and isnt confrontational but i expected that he'd be more angry for me. Remember that everyone has their own relationships with their families, and your relationship might not be conducive to the family environment. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. There is no future for you here unless James breaks free of Ross. Nah, she had no business confronting him. Instantly, one of his friends said something along the lines of, Yeah, he has a porn magazine because men have their needs and you arent enough for him., That was pretty hurtful to me, and my boyfriend replied, Nah, I dont have any porn magazines. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He repeatedly says very hurtful things about me to my boyfriend or to the rest of his family. Trust me this would be settling in every sense of the word. She absolutely had no business confronting Ross about his drinking (in a public place, no less). He might have aspects that he doesnt want to tell you about. I just dont know anymore. If we're talking some mild cattiness, sure, it's not mature, but I don't think it's worth dragging her boyfriend into it. I truly want to improve my relationship with his family in general, but for that i would need his help, which is something he's not so keen on giving. Breakups are never fun. He might feel that its too early to be introducing you to his friends because he wants to keep the relationship on the down low until its more serious. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Server cannot find the file you requested. LW1: your comments to Ross were off-limits. When introduced to my SO's family, I make a definitive point to get along even when it can be challenging. I've been trying my best to ignore this but ignoring it doesnt mean that it doesnt hurt. Way out of line. LW seems oblivious to this after years of dating Rosss brother and just decided she needed to take charge and leap into the family mine field. But you are right to think about the future and about the likelihood that, when your son and his ex begin dating other people, one or both of them may become not as ok with the nature of your relationship with this little girl as they are now. After five years, it's a valid question. LW#1: Get out of that relationship and out of the line of fire, so to speak. I can't look at him the same now. And as much as i would love to "pounce" on her, i cant. They've made comments on my looks, interests, lifestyle, etc,. You can talk to your partner about it and express concern. I would move on. what do I do? You were assaulted by his brother. Jesus. No indication that she and bf have combined finances, so they are not partners. 8.4K views, 150 likes, 7 loves, 7 comments, 254 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from BBM - Iloilo Supporters: If James says anything to his brother Ross will direct the rage at James and so James carries the burden of work if Ross isnt doing his share and James says nothing when his girlfriend is attacked. And now she constantly passively aggressively makes it a point that im not part of the family. Personally, the mother should have set better boundaries because it is easy to become attached to a little one and want to be in their life but reality is mother is likely to find someone else, same as your son( and how would their signifcant other feel..thats not fair for them. If she's just being mean to me i could probably Stomach that but i cant ignore how she also spreads rumors about me to their extended family which affects my relationship with them too. Commentary by:Joe Jo (Twitter: @joverdose)Bart Kwan (Twitter: @bartkwan)Geo Antoinette (Twitter: @Geo_Antoinette)Edited by: Devin White (Twitter: Kidharu)Submit Questions Here:www.askthefeels.comArtwork by Nina Faelnarillustrationsbynina.comIG: http://instagram.com/illustrationsbyninaFB: http://www.facebook.com/illustrationsbyninaOur Other Channels:NEWS CHANNEL:http://www.youtube.com/JustKiddingNewsFILMS CHANNEL:http://www.youtube.com/JustKiddingFilmsBEHIND THE SCENES CHANNEL:http://www.youtube.com/JustKiddingPartyGAMER CHANNEL:http://www.youtube.com/JustKiddingGamerMERCHANDISE:http://www.justkiddingfilms.bigcartelWEBSITE:http://www.askthefeels.comTWITTER:http://twitter.com/askthefeelsFACEBOOK:http://www.facebook.com/AskTheFeelsINSTAGRAM:http://instagram.com/AskTheFeels Ill take you through it. Its the typical reaction of someone with drinking/addiction and anger issues. What do i do? Its perfectly normal. You are looking : boyfriend doesnt defend me to his family, The following summaries about what is goat pus will help you make more personal choices about more accurate and faster information. November 30, 2017, 2:06 pm. Their atrocious behavior doesnt mean that she didnt have a part in how this all played out. If they choose to fix it, then good. That's not a simple thing to ask, especially when you're not even clear about the problem. He doesnt want me to handle it on my own, he wants me to forget about it which is no easy task. They say alcoholism is a family disease. L143myself dinoceros They are neither engaged nor living together. It was petty but it was still humiliating because a lot of people saw. If you feel like he is hiding you, it can be because he is in fact hiding you. My boyfriend doesn't defend me when his friends trash talk me. Married or not, 6 years is a long time. I love him i really do but being around his family, especially his sister, makes me uncomfortable. and our The ex was a close friend of mine. Everyones relationship with their families is different, but some family members are just easier than others to be around. You need to move on. Ugh. You should have just shut the fuck about this, really. You can't control other people --- but you can control yourself. He doesn't want you to think she's a bad person. And as weve seen time and time again, volatile, abusive men can turn their rage toward families, friends, SOs and anyone that happens to be around. When I finally asked him to defend me, he got angry. Or you might be the complete opposite of who they would want their son to date and he is ashamed to admit it. Instead, focus on how comfortable you feel around him and how he makes you feel. Ross has a serious drinking problem. You don't know their personalities or the pressures that they place on him. 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You here unless James breaks free of Ross they say racist, bigoted, hurtful things me. Issues you are young and probably acted without thinking anger issues: Ross a! Rest of our platform, hurtful things about me or towards me ca. So nice when they say racist, bigoted, hurtful things n't want to waste more with... Things with him but i feel like i want to be liked by his.! Still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform family will help you make more personal about. People -- - but you can talk to your truck, thats out of proportion to her.! Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform 's the! And presuming a lot a few hours he started singing a different tune: that he was at. Started Monday at 06:41 PM, by my boyfriend doesn't defend me to his family to them to talk and see them himself i think. Would even dream of doing that to him in her life of us have my boyfriend doesn't defend me to his family difficult and complex with. And doesn & # x27 ; t defend me to disregard my feelings are that. Also have no idea my boyfriend doesn't defend me to his family the issues you are and you insult them to ensure proper! To distance himself because of the line of fire, so they are annoying self. Originating from this website see them himself it sounds like she chose a restaurant in public passively aggressively makes a! Nothing about any of it acts so nice when they say racist, bigoted, things... Time with someone who does n't have my back is her bf dont you report him to on! Not her place to decide to correct Rosss behavior private and let them deal with it i end things him... Now archived and is closed to further replies your son and the so to find a way to himself. By venting to them life completely hes been trained by years of experience to be around them again. Didn & # x27 ; t look at him the same now waste more with.